How do i hide this bar (see right side of the screenshot, i marked it with red)? It keeps messing up with my touch events. If i press somewhere on the screen the bar hides for a second…but its really messing up my game…everytime i tap my screen the screen stretches because of the bar disappearing for a second.
Hi GoldenOakStudios,
Are you still seeing this issue? If so, what device are you deploying to?
Yes on HTC one m7. It appears that if a device does not have all the menu buttons it will add this extra black area to the game. I tested it with the latest build yesterday and it still shows up, I don’t know if it still messes up my touch events, because i threw that game in the trashbin…but anyhow, other mobile games that i play never show this extra area. I had also posted the issue on the forum and one of the devs gave a solution for this: What is this annoying bar on my app! - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums! Perhaps it would be cool to remove this by default as it serves no extra functionality.
Oh good, I see he got you sorted, and he does mention adding in the functionality as a feature request, so I’m gonna close this as resolved. Thanks!