Hide specific body parts on a mesh

I have an equipment system I’m working on and some of the armors don’t have morph targets so they don’t shape around the character mesh. I’m trying to hide body parts the armors cover by bone. What’s the best method to hide specific parts of a mesh.

So the primary way to go about this is to split the character mesh into pieces as well. That way when a piece of armor is put on it can hide the same part of the base mesh. Of course, what about armor pieces that show some of the underlying base mesh? Considering the morph targets, there isn’t an easy answer beyond “Give the armor pieces morph targets.”

If Unreal had a decent way to set vertex colors at runtime, it might be possible. But the only way right now would be to know the EXACT ORDER of vertices of your mesh, and that’s just not a feasible system to build. It would be less work to make morph targets.

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