Hide specific blueprint component's billboard

Hello all,

I’m looking for a way to hide the pointlight class billboard when it is a component in my blueprint class, I only want a dedicated billboard to show instead to represent the entire blueprint and all of it’s components in a scene

Many thanks,


This would still be a nice ability to have (4.20). If you make an actor with several components, it’s a jumbled mess of icons, even if you set them to EditorOnly & Visible=False the sprites for the components still all show.

Bump this.

Do pointlights even have billboards?

If you have issues with a scene component you can set its billboard scale property to zero to make it go away.

Components don’t have the billboard scale property. And unfortunately setting the 3d scale on them doesn’t change the billboard scale.

Ah I see what you mean now. That IS annoying :confused:

I find the billboards on the root components of blueprints really annoying. I created this function to set them to not be visible. It will also ignore any other billboards you have added to the bp. Should work for other things (like lights) too. Though I havent tried.