Hide or Unhide actor in specific widget

I have an actor hide in game, the actor is a ghost (SkeletalMeshActor)
so…when I press a button (input key 6) then my main widget (widget 0) change in a nightvision widget mode (widget 1)
I need when I press the input key 6 the ghost past from hide to unhide
this is for the ghost is only visible when the nightvision is On

anynode for hide or unhide an actor from a specific widget?

Do you have only 1 widget and 1 ghost ever? You will never have more ghosts or more widgets?

Im working with the horror engine, the horror engine come with a videocamera “nightvision” (Widget)
so…when I press 6 keyinput the nightvision is On and if I press again nightvision is off
so… I put an enemy but I want the enemy (ghost) will be only visible on nightvision widget