i translated some text with the Localization Dashboard, and UE4 created a localization folder. is it possible to hide that folder from the Content Browser, like the Collections and Developers folders?
It’s not possible, but you are right that it doesn’t really make sense for that folder to appear in the Content Browser as it should never contain assets.
are there any plans for adding the possibility to hide this folder? its been two years since i brought up this “issue”.
This can work if all the items in your folder are of type AActor. You could also try to find other types. This is not particularly efficient, but it works.
void ToggleWorldFolder(FString WorldFolder, bool enable)
TArray<AActor*> FoundActors;
UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), AActor::StaticClass(), FoundActors);
for (AActor* Actor : FoundActors)
if (Actor->GetFolderPath().ToString() == WorldFolder)