i want ask how to hide all grouped actors,i put all actors under a parent actor,then my c++ code is parentActor->SetActorHiddenInGame(bool),but it does not work for child actors,i use unity ,oprate the parent gameobject then its child gameobjects do the same opration.but ue4 how to do same opration for child actors,i does not want to use TArrayand drag all hundreds actors,it may take a longtime to oprate
Instead of using that function, you could try to use SetHiddenInGame (it has bPropagateToChildren switch) on actor’s RootComponent.
It might work, but can’t tell for sure as I didn’t test it.
The problem with this would be, that if you’d want to revert it (thus revealing all components) it would show also colliders, arrows and all stuff like that.