Hi, what does make a coop game a good coop game?

Hi, what does make a coop game a good coop game?

The last good coop game i played, was deep rock galactic. There are some good vids out there that explain better why its a good coop game, better than i could.

Greeting players with “rock and stone” emote normally gets you a “rock and stone” emote back. Nearly 100% personal experience.
Drinking beer together and danceing brings the group funnily together.
Each role has some usefull perks, but you can win levels with a full team of the same class.
Leaveing no darf behind, just because.
How the feck does one greave in this game? The game setup itself makes it hard.

If you want i can write you down any game i liked as a coop, and why.^^

So, what are mechanics that make ppl play nicer with eachother?
What makes ppl psychologically, even if they dont realy notice the manipulation, play better together with eachother instead of “just comepeting for the score”?

I mean there are different players, so each has their own subjective right way to play a game.
A good gamebalance means, that there shoudlnt be only “the meta”, that is useable. Or said in another way, if another class can do it better, why would i choose this one?

So, i just randomly wanna outsource and give my own ideas about what makes games good. Feel free to give examples.
Or about ideas that are out there, or even never seen before.

Tim Müller

What role has teamwork?
It should let the players play together like in an epic last stand like in the band of brothers trailers where they fight with eachother to the death.

Like a tank moveing infront of the healer or dps to take the dmg, the healer healing the tank for him not to die and the dps doing his job anhilating the enemys.

In most shooters you could say, teamwork is minimal. Egoshooters per se have the player deal dmg. CSGO for example has the teamwork components of positioning, nades and stuff and callouts about what is happening, which gives the team that does this the most the most advantage to win.

Other games like Overwatch have a clear role system (Tank, dps, healers), wich somewhat show the players how to coop.

I am kinda still thinking about mechanics that force players to coop. If they want to or not. xD
So each role and each player should have some usefull abilitys that are unique to the class (if you use classes) to bring something into the battle. Shields, heals, dmg ot kill enemys, slows, aoe slows, buffs and debuffs, the list is long.^^

I think each player has a goal in mind why to play the game:
Winning obviusly is a driver for alot of ppl.
Playing in a team.
Haveing fun.
And other reasons.^^
Im thinking about how to use the intrinsic motivations of the players to bring them together, even when their actuall goals of what they want from a game do not align.

Some engageing mechanics i know of:

CSGO, one of the team flashes, the rest stroms in.

Deep rock galagtic, the scout is stuck with the grapplegun, you have to build a floor under him as engie for the scout to survive.

Overwatch 1 or 2, DPS calls for help, kiriko teleports in and gets grappled by rodhog instead of the dps, because one just suicide teleported between the flying hook and your own dps. Dps clears enemys.
Stuff i do as healer or tank id call a worthy death. I think dps have it harder here.

Hm communication is a sad thing. I have the feeling it went downhill for some unkown reason that ppl simply dont use voip anymore, if one does for example in overwatch, they follow commands like quiet puppets wich creeps me out sometimes. I actually do not want to be a commander, but if the rest is quiet someone has to make the calls.
So for those that dislike speaking a resonably easy to use and clear ping system is a must. Character callouts ingame from the characters also is nice.

The most shared objective is to win.
Lesser shared is have a fun way to win instead of the fast meta way to win. (we all know those meta players, ofc they are still allowed to have that opinion, that leave a lobby if you pick a “wrong” character).
Sub objectives in a round before you can get the clear win.
Loot. xD

To balance out all abilitys and chars so they are viable is not realy easy.^^

  1. Clear Communication: Effective communication is essential in a coop game. Players need to share information, coordinate actions, and strategize together. Games that encourage or require communication tend to be more engaging.
  2. Challenging Gameplay: A coop game should be challenging enough to require teamwork and coordination. A good balance of difficulty ensures that players have to work together to succeed.
  3. Shared Goals: Players should have a common objective that they are working towards. This shared goal creates a sense of purpose and unity among the players.
  4. Diverse Roles: Having different roles or character classes for players to choose from can add depth to the game. Each role may have unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, encouraging players to collaborate and utilize their strengths.
  5. Balanced Difficulty: The game should be designed to be fair and balanced. It should neither be too easy nor too difficult. This balance ensures that players are challenged but not frustrated.

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