Here is the logs it shoots out as soon as it crashes.
Is my laptop not strong enough to handle UE5, I did put the scalability on medium, and changed some settings to improve performance, should I change it back?
This is my laptop spec:
Intel(R) Core™ i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.70 GHz
16,0 GB RAM
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Graphics card GPU Intel(R) HD Graphics 530
Your laptop specs are probably good enough to run it, the only thing is UE5 needs a decent graphics card and internal ones like the Intel 530 can cause lots of crashing like your experiencing, but there’s a chance it might not be that, try fixing it by going into Nvidia Control Panel or in your case the Intel control panel, and reset global to defaults, and make sure all of your drivers are updated.
If that doesn’t work try troubleshooting UE5 or reinstalling drivers.
Something’s not matching up – that file is part of the NVIDIA graphics card drivers, but you claim you’re using an Intel graphics card.
This does not sound like an Unreal editor problem at all. It’s likely there’s either a driver/Windows install problem on your laptop, or a hardware problem on your laptop. If your laptop doesn’t have an NVIDIA graphics card, but you get a crash in that driver, the best way to make sure is to reinstall windows from scratch.
Back up all your files and programs. Wipe the hard drive. Re-install everything. From scratch.
“Driver cleaner” and “full uninstaller” and “registry fixer” tools aren’t really good enough – they may fix some common problems, but if you’ve gotten your laptop into this state somehow, that’s not something that can reasonably be gotten out of. No putting that toothpaste back in the tube. No unmixing that cocktail.