Hi looking for a studio to build for pay a an historical room for a documentary film

Hi looking for a studio to build for pay a an historical room for a documentary film

Hello! My name is Oleg. Together with our team, we develop graphics for various applications, tours, VR/AR.
We are ready to carry out your project at the highest level.
Contact us.
Our website: https://inpretium.com
ArtStation - Oleg Frumson

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Hi @anonymous_user_6e48f28c ,
My studio is specializing for Architecture visualizations in Unreal Engine 4/5. We are creating Interactive applications as walkthroughs or virtual sales points.
Also we were working on many projects for cinematography or virtual production for prestigious studios around the world, where we created photorealistic environments.
You can check our work here:

or here

Showreel of a Virtual production (T-mobile client):