How do I make the camera always follow the back of the player?
De[ends how your char and controller are setup. In the character movement component, is UseControllerDesiredRotation ticked? Or is it using Orient RotationToMovement?
And is the input event for turning rotating the actor itself? Or is it using some sort of AddControllerYawInput node?
If using control rotation and input for those, should be able to just tick UsePawnControlRotation option on either the camera or its spring arm (if it has one).
This is what I got. It is turning to the right and left, but unfortunally the camera doesn’t follow the back of the player.
I hope this can help
Since you’re using set actor rotation, just after that, set the rotation of the camera or spring arm using the same rotation value maybe?
Im completely new in unreal engine 5, so I still have a lot to figure out, so how do I do that id it is possible?
Does this actor have a camera? Can you show the component hierarchy?
Eut do you mean by that?
Eut do you mean by that?
What I really mean is that if you must ask this question, you should consider watching elementary tutorials first - some starting content or read the documentation if you do not like tutorials. Otherwise you’ll be wasting a lot of time and pull a lot of hair.
If you do not mind, keep on reading!
- when you create actors that represent various entities in the world, you add components that enhance those actors’ functionality:
- if an actor has a camera component, you can have the player controller’s camera manager look through it:
Were you now to rotate this actor in any way, it would rotate with its camera since it’s attached to it:
2 things:
First, thank you for the answer
Second, these documentation that you talked about, can I find them in epic games website?
The starting point to everything is here:
But it’s easy to get lost. The basics section if reading is your thing:
This could be decent starting point:
There are also innumerable resources available on YT, for example:
If you like a more technical approach:
I can only wish stuff like this existed 10 years ago
Or you can keep tinkering on your own, ofc. Nothing wrong with that, it’s the hard way, though!
I wish these videos/guides were required viewing before joining the forums
The first time engine boot forces and plays a 14h long UNSKIPPABLE tutorial on the elementary aspects of the user interface.
Hold on I need to make a pull request for that lmao
Thank you i will check it out
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