Hi. How to publish

How to publish my game on EpicStore?

you have any video or link or something like that?

Hi I’ve moved your post from the ‘Showcase’ section to ‘Community and Industry Discussion’

I noticed a talk titled “Epic Games Store: Self-Service Publishing, Setting up Your Releases for Success” listed as a part of the upcoming GDC presentations.

So, I’d tune in to that next month and see what they mean by ‘Self-Service Publishing’


I am not understand. you can tell me how releasing my game

It’s means. I can wait next month

Epic is currently taking a ‘Curated’ approach to games on the store.

I think the best way to get published on EGS right now is to have a completed quality game. (‘Quality game’ is a nebulous term, but by looking at what’s already on the store will give you an idea of quality level)

My advice: Try publishing on itch.io first, there’s nothing wrong with selling your game on multiple platforms.

I mean individual person. Can publish game

If I am making high quality game.

2 - 3 hour’s Gameplay, amazing Idea and more.

Then I can publish my game

And another my question.
If I am publishing my game on itch.io.
But, I am making this game Unreal Engine & infinity Blade castle assets.
I can publish?

Individuals can publish their games. (No studio or publisher needed)

Games are evaluated on a “Case-by-Case” basis.

Yes, you can use the free assets to publish on other stores. (For free assets like the Infinity Blade ones you can only use them in Unreal Engine though)

Good luck!

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I am understanding you. I need make highly quality game. Like a Darksouls.

If I am making darksouls like a game. Like a highly quality. I can publish my game on EpicStore

Please forgive me. You can answer my last question.

I am really so want to publish my game on EpicStore and I want to support EpicStore!

Really I loved EpicStore Community and Epic Store people.

It’s really my dream