Hi everyone where to start?

But, but, but they just apologised for the confusion and are introducing changes to the policies.

I think itā€™s too late for that. People no longer trust. Everyboby says the same.

We will see how much that trust is worth when Unity Software Inc (U) report earings 02/2024.

From what I know, many companies are going to withdraw their games from the market (Like Amoung Us for example).

And Indi developers donā€™t want to risk future unexpected changes. (Too much time and effort to throw away). Not to mention that if they charge $0.20 per installation no one will make a profit. Everyone would owe money to Unityā€¦ then itā€™s not profitable. Itā€™s a ruin.

So, Epic get ready because thousands of new users are coming.


These changes are them looking for growth. I would expect a lot more including new services in the coming months. The company wonā€™t die just yet.

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No, of course not, there are many large companies that have million-dollar investments with them. These companies cannot abandon their projects without incurring great losses.

Those will continue with Unity (At least until they collect profits from their projects). But Unity will never again be what it was.

People simply no longer trust them and are looking for other alternatives. Thatā€™s what everyone says in the videos Iā€™ve seen on YouTube.

I know how they feel. A year ago I also used Unity but I migrated to Unreal. I didnā€™t like C#. It didnā€™t let me use pointers and it was very frustrating for me.

But I know what they feel. If after a year or more of work the company changes its policies and my work goes in the trash. I would be very angry.

Lets call it what it is though, looking for growth for Unity investorsā€¦ So as to what Unity MIGHT do next to extract value from Unityā€™s user-base? ā€¦ Be afraidā€¦ Be very afraidā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: A nod here to AVG / Avast. They couldnā€™t extract more value from their products / services, so instead they just sold out their user base by spying on browser habits and selling all that juicy data off. :rage:

How do the two corps overlap / connect? Unity just partnered up with a malware distributor. That tells us something, right? :thinking: It stinks of desperation actually. Once you sell your soul to wall street for your primary funding, promises get made. Investors or end-users, one group always wins, one group always pays. This comment from a former Unity dev says it all :wink::

Well I have been spending time on YouTube and read UE documentation and I do not believe that C++ will be a problem. However, I feel a bit intimidated about Blueprint.

I know it is probably the best visual scripting implementation on the market but for me it would be a fundamental change to how I have developed since I started, that is scary. I am also not fully understand the balance between BP and c++ in projects, when to use BP and/or code.


After yesterdays Unity response a lot of people seems to be happy and quite frankly it was an ok announcement. However, thanks to their way of handling their customers I have decided to finish my current project in Unity and then run the next planned project in UE and continue learning. I am really impressed with what I learned so far, especially BP.

I created an ā€œemptyā€ mockup with some basic functionality of my next game in Unity, UE and Godot prior to decide so I have to see how it will go. I will not go Godot.

Thank you.

There are people who say that Elon Musk is looking to buy Unity to put it on Tesla monitors. Because some of Unityā€™s shareholders are partners of Elon Musk. They say they wanted Unityā€™s shares to drop in price. So it is possible that it was market manipulation.

Thanks that was very helpful. I am still a bit stuck as I am used to prefabs and being able to script my own ā€œmanagersā€ onto game objects which is very easy, this concept is quite different in UE and not really existant from what I can see, I donā€™t really understand the blueprint stuff which im told is easier but I still have yet to figure out how to use them, and I can say that having to make ā€œmaterialsā€ from scratch to make a custom sky box is daunting by itself and the docs do not match what is actually shown in the editor so I have to guess at what itā€™s talking about. It seems like the very basic things are too overly complex and near impossible to accomplish or will take much longer in this engine. For example, I want to create a star field as the backdrop of my game, but it requires making a material from scratch, attaching the correct ā€œnodesā€ to the material just to be able to drag an image as itā€™s texture, that is just way too much work and is the perfect example of why someone would be turned off to this engine. I have tried using blueprints but there are so many I donā€™t know what ones to use for any of my gameā€™s mechanics and itā€™s very overwhelming, I would rather just code everything from scratch that way I know what it is actually doing instead of having to learn what each blueprint actually does. I feel like learning the engine will take longer than actually making the game.

Iā€™m trying to make a space shooter that has open world levels and asteroids and objects floating around to destroy, the win condition being that all objects are destroyed to progress to the next level. Right now I have spent 5 days just trying to figure out where to start, my editor is sitting here blank, and I just stare at it with no idea what to do first. I wanted the game to be a 2D top down space shooter, but that looks like it is more complicated than a 3D environment so now I donā€™t know what to do, I installed UE4 just to get the side scroller template that people suggested I start with, which didnt provide anything useful anyway and I ended up having to delete everything in the ā€œsceneā€ first, which I found out is the same as starting with a blank level. I have watched and read so many tuts and none of them even resemble what I need to accomplish. I feel very alone with no way of finding out how to do anything.

I am also exploring UE5 as a decade old Unity Developer. I was initially dismayed at the idea of porting over all of my code into (UE)C++. However I do have a background in programming in many different languages.

I will include the tutorial information I used to get started below.

Please allow me to describe how I have started and see if it helps you out.

Firstly, Materials; the Material system is very much like Unity except for the following; a Material is a Material with the Shader code attached. Build one, (similar to the Unity PBR in Shader Graph). Then just like Shader Graph, make/ā€œPromoteā€ the textures to Parameters, this will expose them in the Material as a setting. Then when you make an Instance of that Material it will be the same material/shader, but now you can change the textures as ā€˜overridesā€™. This will make one shader but allow of many different Unity Style Materials like we are accustom to. Just remember (as I understand it) a UE Material is really a (Unity) Material + Shader, and an Instanced UE Material is a similar to a Unity Material using a Shader.

Next; Actors are a base object, think of them as Empty GameObjects with a Transform, etc. From an Actor (GameObject/Transform) UE has pre-packaged GameObjects with attached Components (kinda like a prefab). If we were to create a GameObject and Attach a Character Controller component to it and make it a prefab, well that is what a UE ā€˜Characterā€™ object is, it is an Actor object with a basic Character Controller attached. And a UE Pawn is a UE Character with both a Unity Character Controller, and a more advanced Controller on it. On and on. These UE objects are sub-classes of each other where more functionality or components have been added building them up. In some cases the Unity Rigid Body, Render, Mesh Component, etc have already been included into the base UE Object, the list of attached components are seen in the details tab (Unity Inspector).

Now Blueprint stuff. Admittedly I am still kinda unclear on what a Blueprint actually is but I will try to share my understanding. Under it all, everything is actually running on C++ code, UE flavored. In Unity we make our C# scripts derived from MonoBehaviours, and attach them to a GameObject and they appear in the editor inspector. In UE, we make C++ code and add attributes to the scripts to make it UE editor friendly. In Unity [ShowInInspector] for example. In UE we use UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=ā€œComponentsā€), This tells UE editor how and where to allow editing of the parameters that you have exposed in the editor. Category is Unityā€™s [Header(ā€œComponentsā€)] equivalent. Then in the UE editor you can attach your code components to each other graphically based on your exposed properties. The blank C++ script in UE has ā€˜Startā€™ and ā€˜Updateā€™ as ā€˜BeginPlayā€™ and ā€˜Tickā€™. Lastly it is normal in C to separate our Parameters from the implementation of code. So all the Parameter setup you do a the top of a C# script will now live in a .h file and the workings of your code will be in a .cpp file. ā€œItā€™s a C thingā€. Like you I prefer Code over Visual Coding, and I believe the bulk of your work will be in code and then rather than stacking Components onto a GameObject you will connect the relevant sections of your code together in a Blueprint (a graphical representation of your code). Instead of deriving/sub-classing from MonoBehaviours, we will use Actors, and such. Like you, I need to learn all the nuances of UEā€™s code flavor. Probably not the best description, but itā€™s what I have to offer at the moment. Iā€™ve only been at this for about a week.

I will recommend a few Tutorials; I started with ā€˜Unreal Engine 5 for the Unity Developerā€™ by Greggory Addison and ā€˜The Unreal Engine 5 C++ the Ultimate Game Developer Courseā€™ by Stephen Ulibarri on Udemy. They were on sale at a very reasonable price. Read carefully, one of them can be found free. Start with ā€˜Unreal Engine 5 for the Unity Developerā€™ as the broad strokes and ā€˜The Unreal Engine 5 C++ the Ultimate Game Developer Courseā€™ will literally walk you through everything else step-by-step, from ground zero up.

Please forgive my long post, but I hope my fellow Unity Developers will find this as a place to start.

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If you are making a 2D game, I did this about 5 years ago: Love Is In The Space on Steam. It wasnā€™t a big hit, and it has quite the ā€œfirst projectā€ vibe to it, but I learned a lot. Feel free to message me if you have any questions and wish to commit to your project fully! :slight_smile: