Hey so im using the Lyra Example template and im looking for the movement logic for the base character / Hero Shooter Pawn i think its called. So im trying to make an climbing system for my game but i need to setup an branch when moving the character forward/backwards so it cant run away from the wall when the char is climbing. Thanks!
You can drop this in B_Hero_ShooterMannequin (assuming ShooterCore), and create a branch from there. Something I may fall back on because I can’t figure it out their way. It might work in your case.
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This document might help with what you’re looking for (even though it doesn’t directly address your question, but could be tangentially related). The LyraCharacter has its own C++ UCharacterMovementComponent. All of the movement-related variables, like velocity and acceleration are generally derived from this component via Thread-safe property access. Lyra is a very organized high-level framework, but perhaps a bit too opinionated when it comes to the character.
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