here is one off the errors “Error: Package C:/Users/trobh/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProjectdddd/Content/ExternalActors/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap/A/NE/2ALP9AROU46NZGB57DHKC3.uasset has malformed tag”
Hi there!
You can try regenerate everything and see what happens when pack again.
close the editor and delete everything in the project but keep just this:
/Plugins (if any)
/Source (if any)
Good luck!
i did it but i tried to test and have this error LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: LogAssetRegistry: Warning: Cannot read AssetRegistry Data in C:/Users/trobh/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProjectdddd/Content/ThirdPerson/Material/charactger_Inst22.uasset, skipping it. Error: SerializeNameMapInvalidNameCount.
but did it compiled? looks more as a Warning than an unhandle error.
when i package i leave it doing is thing for at least 1 hour and it is just infinite
and yes is a error im getting crazy
something is trying to use some material asset called charactger_Inst22 (with a typo!)
try this just in case:
look in your computer for: charactger_Inst22.uasset and try copy it where is looking for:
C:/Users/trobh/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProjectdddd/Content/ThirdPerson/Material/
i will try when im home thx im just desperate in this point
now is giving this error PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Cook Failure
check the log file. when compiler fails it generates a log file and is displayed in the window