Hexagonal tiling on a sphere

Novice UE user here. In my attempts to create an easygoing life game where the player character interacts with their own mini ‘planet’ I have run into a snag where I have absolutely no idea how to create a tiling system that will be projected onto the playable sphere. I know that I will need to use hexagonal tiling to fix the issue of weird poles, but other than that I have no idea how I need to proceed.
In 3d modelling programs this would be so simple! Is there something I’m missing here? Eventually I would like the hexagonal cells to be snapping points for any interaction, eg placing trees, digging holes, etc. but the movement of the player character to be free of the cells. I assume that if I wanted each user’s playable sphere to be randomly generated (think animal crossing towns) that the hex tiling would be the main way this is done.
So… broadly speaking, where do I go from here? Thanks.

Pic related; prototype testing out the gravity settings but hopefully eventually the tiling will mean one tree per tile.

This might be a good starter:

Thank you for the resource. Do you know then of any other resources that I can use to learn how to project the geodesic grid onto the sphere?

Just check ther references in the article. :slight_smile:
The first one (BUGS) is preety good.

If you can I would be interested in seeing how you got on with this.

Still working on it. Right now it is clear that I will be needing a truncated icosahedron rather than a sphere - this leaves 12 pentagons in the hexagonal array, much like a soccer ball, but with the surface being very large and the resulting small subdivisions of the grid, it should be hardly noticeable. Still have no idea how to project the grid to a sphere or making the blueprint. I’ve read the article on the BUGS system but it does not allude to how to configure within UE

Well, its not so much UE realted, but rather general 3D math.
Im not so good at it either, but if you draw a vector from the center through a vertex of the icosahedron, then you would need to calculate the coordinated where it intersects the sphere.
Typically, these verctors would be the position vectors of the vertices.
So you need the math for line/sphere intersections…