Hex Grid Snap In Game

Anyone know of a way to build a grid in-game that works for hexes?

The current way I have I created using '3 Prong Gaming’s RTS tutorial.

It works fine for a normal square grid, but i’m working with hexes here…

Hexas work in a totally different way. A Google search could have saved you some time, as it has been discussed already a million times.

You have numerous possibilities, here is a great collection of grids you can work with: Hexagonal Grids

I have googled, and yes I realise that its been discussed alot. But I can’t seem to find a way of actually building it in Unreal. As for that website, i’ve already seen it, and as far as I can tell, it just tells me how Hexes work. Which I already knew.

What blocks you from building it in Unreal? I guess you’re creating meshes or actors for your square grid, and you spawn them to locations based on X, Y (using Grid Snap). Now as for hexas, you spawn them the same way, except that you can’t use “snapping” like that, as every odd row is shifted, so you have to calculate the location of a hexa tile yourself, for which the method is described in blog posts, just like the one I have linked.

here’s how i made a hex grid generator if this helps at all. i would need to look into it some for to find out how to do it with a cursor.

So. I don’t know if u are still interested in the answer but i guessed ill post it anyway.

Above is my grid generation function. SpacingX (155), SpacingY (180) and Offset (90) is depended on your hex mesh size. In my case i created a 6 sided cylinder that has radius 100 using ue5 modeling tool. GridX and GridY are amount of steps in both axis - times 2 because it goes both ways. (Values in brackets only work for the 100 radius cyilnder)

And here is my grid snap for hex grid. It is very simple, but this thing only works if the hex starts generating at 0,0,0. Guess you could make it work anywhere by using relative location instead of world location. But it basically takes the location on Y axis and check if this is the second row that should be offset by 90 - in my case it is 90.

I am not that good at ue5, it’s a hobby so for sure you can find a better more optimized solution.
I hope it helps, cheers!