I’ve crafted myself a blueprint that generates a hex-grid of hexagon meshes based on an array of integers representing row lengths. Pic : http://i.imgur.com/8lBUSLD.png
However I’d like to check on the game theory and design behind systems like this. In this project, I’d like to add to these rows on the sides, or even up but given the way that these are created the logic lies in either the creation of the hexes or the hex itself, but there is no management level blueprint for these.
For instance, if I want to reference row 10, tile 5, I cannot do that right now. I’ve attempted loading this into an array but it gets a little complicated and slightly frustrating. If I want to access all ‘touching’ objects, I could probably use an overlap volume, but that may not be great design.
I’ve considered creating hidden hexes and then flipping the material+collision when I need to add them in, but I don’t know how scalable that is.
My question is - in a game that normally manages a grid of tiles, how do they manage unused tiles that need to be changed/saved later in the game rather than generation at runtime?