Here is how to activate the rotation mode in the prop mover device!

the “movement mode” dropdown is greyed out and you are only able to translate props. Simply click on distance in the UEFN editor, then press SHIFT TAB to access the greyed options, just press SPACE when you are on the greyed “Movement mode” dropdown, and VOILA, you can now select the “rotation” instead of “translation”.

You can now create custom doors etc…


…and they actually do work?

That is a little funny. I mean, it seems like they just disabled those options temporarily… but you can still use keyboard navigation to change them xD

Probably worth mentioning that if you try to publish a map with this little trick it might fail validation :slight_smile:

I didn’t try to publish the map yet… But yes, locally it works… I was able to make a custom door open/close with a switch and a prop mover & rotation.

Even if it doesn’t fail validation in this version it will in future versions :slight_smile:

However there is definitely some bugs with that device’s properties for us to sort out.

Thank you for the report.

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Hello, if it will fail in the future, can you provide us a way to make things rotate ? A custom door for an example…
Since it’s not possible to add code on props, i could write a “global” script to do it, with loop etc… but with many doors it can start to be tricky. I tried with skeletal animation too, but there is no collisions then…

We’ll forever be adding more and more functionality.

Couple options:
You could combine a skeletal mesh with a blocking volume
Use sequencer (not great if you want a bunch of them)

In the future we hope to improve the mover device, the bug here is actually showing some in dev functionality but I don’t have a hard date on it’s release.
When / if that functionality is added those properties would be valid to change of course.
We’ll also be improving skeletal mesh physics support in the future as well.

Maybe sliding doors until then ? :slight_smile:

If the functionality is already implemented, why would you guys work backwards and remove it in the future? Is there something inherently broken with rotation?

Yeah, it’s not working properly yet. I made a door with this technique and if i open/close too fast, the final rotation is wrong. It does not go back to the initial value every time… Sometime the door still a little bit open (too far or not far enough, it’s random…)

I didnt know it was a bug, I thought it was a feature.

Any update on the Prop Mover’s rotation function being fixed?

06/2024 and not solved yet