Help - World Partitioning a already large map


I recently moved a project into 5.3 thinking it would be great to do “Nanite” landscaping.

My project was a map of 6616x12,097 at 64x64 cubic cells. I decided I wanted to split that and then turn it into a world partition. Scaling the map back up and loosing some of the detail which I felt would optimize more. So I resized at 31x31 cubic and got a map of 3,256x5,953 Resolution. To which I scaled back up and set in its same location.

I then went and tried to set all the settings needed to run world partition. I left my higher end rig on for 14 hrs as I did other things and went to bed. But it stayed on 0% converting. Ive tried this over and over but that was last nights attempt and I am now just confused why I cannot get this things to partition. It states you can do it. But I must be doing something wrong. Any help? please and thank you!

Your sizes mean nothing.
Are they unreal units? Pixels? Meters?

Half of 64 last i checked was 32.
Why would you pick 31 instead? Mostly curious, but also since landscapes work generally better with 2x2 components (less drawcalls) your 31 means you are using a suboptimal size to begin with.

As far as why its not partitioning, im not sure, but to date I have yet to see any positive post at all about world partition.
Id suggest not barking up that tree to prevent hair loss from literally pulling it out given all the past posts… but… well, if you really want to go ahead start with a square landscape of a reccomended size and see how that works first…