Hello everyone! Super beginner here, I’m not that young but I’ve started a gaming-related university part-time. I’m creating a Unreal Engine game for my game development class Continuous Assesments.
Right now I’ve worked on a really basic RTS and implemented some mechanics like camera movement/zoom, unit and building selection and resources pickup and delivery loop.
I know this is a pretty tough genre to start Unreal and game development in genral due to the amount of interactions and stuff to consider, however I wanted to add another layer of complexity because I’m a madman.
I wanted to have some mechanic that, upon gaining some specific resource/filling a gauge, could allow one specific unit (or hero) to be controllable in a third person mode (similar to the old school RTS Rise and Fall).
Do you have any idea on how to make the game switch seamlessly to a top/down point and click control scheme to a third person action scheme and back? (I was thinking about something between Dynasty Warriors and M&B: Bannerlord)
Thanks a million, I’m open to every kind of question you might have