Help with spawning & throwing a projectile

Why not use the profiles I suggested?

If the bomb can damage the Pawn that throws it:

  • by default the bomb is set to overlap the pawn (explodes on Hit so is safe)
  • once you throw the bomb, delay .5s and set the the bomb to block the player (think of it as arming it)

If the bomb cannot damage the player, set the bomb channel to not interact with that pawn channel.

There’s also Physics Handle:


You use it to grab and hold meshes that simulate physics without the need to disable physics. Think of carrying the Companion Cube in Portal or getting a wheel of cheese in Skyrim.

Another thing, rather than Setting Linear Velocity, I’d opt for Add Impulse.

  • is my bomb:

  • and is my player (default collision):

Better Quality image for the above.

  • even though the bombs spawn overlapping the pawn, they do not explode and seem to be thrown correctly (tested it for 30s so it is probably buggy in more than one way)

  • and they will collide with the player once armed:

Not sure how useful is but perhaps it will inspire you. Another method that does not need to rely on Delay (because I have BEEF with Delay), is to use the bomb’s mesh’s onEndOverlap - way the bomb will become armed only once it leaves the pawn’s capsule for the first time.

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