Hello! So I am still pretty new to Unreal, but I feel this should be pretty easy to solve!
I am working on trying to create seamless portals using just the blueprints. I was following a youtube tutorial on how to do this, but the rotation in the tutorial does not work the way I would like and just keeps the rotation, which is kind of dumb. Instead, I want the player to enter the one portal and they keep their rotation relative to the entrance portal and that relative rotation is then transferred to the exit portal. Currently, if I try applying any form of rotation in the set actor location and rotation when the player teleports nothing happens to their rotation.
Ex using the picture of the two portals)
The player enters portal 1 which is sitting at a 0-degree rotation and they enter facing towards the portal straight, which for the player would be a -90 degree rotation since they spawn in and the portals are to their left. The player should then exit portal 2 at a 0-degree rotation since portal 2 is facing 90 degrees from portal 1 or in the same direction the player spawns in.
I am using the default first-person character controller supplied by UE4 and will attach images of my portal blueprints! Thank you for any help!