I was wondering if anyone could help me out with an issue I’m having with my player character’s death animation.
The animation itself is similar to the one from the various 2D Mario games and I’ve managed to work out all of the important elements with mostly visual stuff that needs that to be dealt with, however, there’s a minor glitch that still needs to be taken care of. glitch occurs after the player character is launched into the air as part of the death animation and lands on an enemy. The player will bounce off the enemy which shouldn’t be happening as all of the player’s collision is supposed to be disabled. The glitch itself isn’t harmful in any way, as everything resets as part of the death sequence, but I’d still like to fix it nonetheless.
Thanks in advance!
Death blueprint:
Did you try Set Actor Enable Collision
for the entire actor?
I don’t know how it works. I tried looking it up online but I can’t find anything helpful.
you’re looking for node “Set Actor Enable Collision” inside of your character - sets the collision for the actor, not the components. so just right click and insert the name mentioned
I tried playing around with the node in various different ways but I can’t seem to get it to work.
It would appear that I finally found a solution to my problem.
No matter what I tried, turning off collisions simply wasn’t working. So instead I decided to create a new boolean variable called “Player Dead” and set it on within the player death setup and then created a branch within the jump collision portion of the player blueprint that would only enable jump collision if the Player Dead boolean variable was off.
The end result is that the player is no longer bouncing off enemies upon death, so I guess its case closed as far as I can tell.