So I want to make a small game with my friend and we’re expirimenting alot with the “source controll” option in UE4, and I wanted to try out Perforce.
For some reason tho whenever I install it and try to connect to the IP it fails (I can connect to "localhost:1666) I get the error : “Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
TCP connect to 192.168..:1666 failed.
connect: 192.168..**:1666: WSAETIMEDOUT”
Any kind of help is much appreciated. ^^
Hey, Did you read this article?
You need to install the P4V client(Perforce Visual Client). Also you need a Perforce Server to connect.
You can grab the client from here:
You can install the perforce server on your local machine but your mates will not be able to submit / checkout etc… if your machine is offline or the perforce server is offline.
There is a free perforce hosting:
Your trying to connect to your routers IP address:1666 you need to ask your internet provider if you can get a static IP or google “how to setup a static IP”. Most providers will set you up with one for 5$ a month. Of course for 5$ you could get a dedicated server from digitalOcean and setup perforce automatically Setting up version control (Perforce) for Unreal Engine 4 using DigitalOcean and Ubuntu (Part 1)