Help with packaged or debugged game freeze music still going 4.18.3


I have encountered an issue where the packaged or debugged game randomly freezes anywhere from 1 minute in to 20 minutes but I can still here the ingame music playing. I tried to figure out what it is by playing it to trigger the freeze from before however I noticed it also will freeze if I don’t do anything over time. The problem is the freeze is not consistent so it is difficult to determine the cause. The last mention of anything in the log is the font loaded lazily. I don’t know if that can cause an issue but any help is appreciated. I noticed some logs don’t seem to be populating unless i’m looking in the wrong place. I looked in the following: appdata/local/game/saved/logs - nothing there and I tried appdata/local/microsoft/windows/WER - nothing there but an empty subfolder titled ERC no hidden files either. The attachment provided is from the game folder but I don’t know if it is giving enough information. link text Unfortunately it’s not crashing it just stops responding so I don’t believe it is giving the cause. I even started removing things from the scene but it didn’t seem to improve anything. Thank you for your time if you can help. :slight_smile:

For the past two weeks I have been removing actors and testing to see if I could find the culprit however the freeze would still show up. So I tested the game with the ThirdPerson default code that is still in my game with all of its defaults (gamemode/gamestate settings) and the freeze was still there. This led me to believe that there is something wrong with a bool I checked earlier on in production under project settings. After that I created a new ThirdPerson template game and began to test it, no freezes as expected. Once this was concluded I cross compared every bool and setting and tested my game where I saw a difference. I read this thread and they mentioned it may be related to physics so I checked and noticed that the Template that was not freezing did not have substepping enabled. I disabled substepping in my game and began doing my test again and so far it has not frozen yet.

I really hope this is the culprit because there is nothing worse than trying to debug something that isn’t there in the logs nor does it prompt a crash log to happen because I guess it is technically not crashing it’s just waiting for the next task. That may be why I can still hear the music playing but the rendering comes to a halt. I don’t believe there is an issue with the engine but from what I read in the other thread is it may be a timing issue due to utilizing the engine in which it may not have been intended so the cpu is waiting on a task. I have some actors with Tick disabled until they need to become active to try and optimize the game and some actors that tick less frequently so maybe that causes the timing issue so I will keep substepping disabled.

After all, the substepping option does state it’s experimental and certain functionality may not work correctly. Just wanted to post my update in case anyone else comes across this, hopefully it helps. :slight_smile:

I will post this as an answer for now and will revisit this if it occurs again–fingers crossed! On the upside, I went through all my blueprints and made so many improvements thinking maybe I had a memory leak or something and the game is running great :smiley:


Glad you got your game to work! Sadly, mine randomly freezes for some players. Trying to get to the bottom of it…we don’t have Physics Substepping enabled. And Windows Event Viewer isn’t picking up the hang sadly.

I was thinking of a memory leak as well, since that skyrockets once the freeze happens for some players.

Sorry to hear that VictorBurgos, this issue was driving me crazy! The only thing I can suggest is put your character in an empty level to see if it occurs then try using the third person character with the default GameMode etc in the empty level. If the third person defaults settings don’t freeze then there might be an issue with some code in the game/actor to help narrow it down. If it freezes on both, then there may be a bool in project settings or plugin causing the issue. This is why my bug was so hard to find because I was looking in the wrong direction–didn’t realize it was something I enabled in the engine.

Sadly I can’t reproduce this issue. Only a very few of my playerbase get this freeze…but it’s enough of them that it’s ■■■■■■■ me off trying to find a fix :wink:

i have the same problem .do you solve this problem?