I hope this is the right place for this. I tried asking this question once before, but never got a response. :-\
There’s something that’s always baffled me with Unreal Editor - setting up a decent orthographic camera view. From what I gather, only the CameraActor allows you to toggle between Perspective and Orthographic views, correct?
Perspective always works correctly without issues, but whenever I try to set it to Ortho, it looks… terrible.
I’ve tried playing around with the settings, but everything looks strange. And many things look as though they’re clipping. Also, it doesn’t seem as though I can position the camera correctly, or zoom in/out, with the mouse and keyboard like you can in Persp. :-\ If I get the camera in a particular position/rotation, all I see is a grid behind and no sky.
Could someone help me set up a decent Orthorgraphic setup with a camera for doing beauty renders? This is something I’ve never been able to get right so far. Thanks.
Orthographic (I believe) doesnt use lighting and possibly not even post processing as its made for 2d style games.
I may be wrong so please dont quote me.
I cheated my way passed this , well sort of
I needed a side on camera but didnt want the other faces showing when i moved the camera. I managed to get it to work but its not perfect.
To do this i set the camera FOV to around 10° but i had to then move my camera and background elements to try compensate, and it seem to work pretty well.
Thanks for the reply. Was that with a CameraActor? That camera type seems to be the only one that allows you to switch between Ortho and Persp, but I’m not seeing a FOV slider. Unless it’s called something else…?
Ahh, I see. Yeah, it looks like that can only be adjusted in Perspective mode. If you go into Orthographic, that’s no longer an option to change. I believe my university suggested your method too. It seems to be the only reliable method for getting an ortho view for beauty renders.