help with my blueprints

Hello everyone, I need a hand. I’m new to the world of Unreal and its Blueprint programming. I’m trying to create a system where the enemy, when hit by the player, takes damage. Up to this point, everything is fine. Now, the next step is when the player delivers the final blow, the enemy dies. This is where I’m encountering an issue. In the final hit before dying, I’m trying to have the enemy send a signal through a Blueprint interface, so that a boolean variable within the player turns true. However, I’m not managing to make this happen. Could you give me a hand? These are my blueprints.

blueprints enemy


blueprints BP_ThirdPersinCharacter


From already thank you very much

Are you sure you have the interface added to character and the Fire Resist event implemented? You’ve added a print statement before the fire resist so we know that’s firing, but you should also add one in the fire resist event.
Also, you’ve set FireResist to false- I’m not sure if that matters though since I can’t see what it does.

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