I’ve been searching for tips/help regarding moving around inside a moving ship but all the answers I’ve found have been from years ago (Example, Example) and I’m curious if there’s been any improvements or changes since then? The plan is to make a multiplayer game so I need to have more than one person in the ship.
The three ways I can think of to achieve this are:
1 - Move the ship in the world and have the player follow along
2 - Move the world around a stationary ship
3 - Make the interior of the ship a separate level from the exterior
Ideally I’d like to use the first option but everything I’ve tried so far has resulted in a lot of janky movement when the client is trying to update its position.
Is there a way to have the ship interior be a sublevel of the persistent level and update its position when the ship moves? Could I have the interior be a separate physics grid that ignores the persistent level?
Thanks for the replies, I’m very novice with unreal and I’m only using blueprints since I don’t really know how to code.
@EntrpriseCustomr I recorded a video from my project https://streamable.com/99mtlq where I first show the ship movement blueprint and then what it looks like in action
As you can see the client is being moved along with the ship but its very jagged and jumps around quite a bit.
At the moment I have the ship and players inside a sublevel (shown in green using “level colouration” visualizer) of the persistent level, I have no idea if this does anything, good or bad.
You can also see the outliner when no one is possessing the ship
This is what the outliner is showing when player 0 (host) is possessing the ship
@perspecdev It sounds like just what I’d want but I don’t have the knowledge to implement “SetBase” using code.
I’ll read through the jittering link you provided
Minor edit: What I want to have happen is that the clients character and camera would move and rotate along with the ship and not lag obviously