Help with microphone not working on build - [Audio Capture]

Hi everybody, I’m working on this project where I’m building an interactive 3D avatar able to chat with me.

Now the problem is this one below:
While everything is just working properly in the editor, when I build the project I noticed that can’t get Google STT working. After some debugging I found that the problem is not google service but the build itself.

In output log when building I got this error:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogAudioCaptureCore: Display: No Audio Capture implementations found. Audio input will be silent.

Anyone knows the solution to this?
Why is it working in editor?

Thanks in advance

No One?

Were you able to find a solution for this?

Not for the message.
For me the problem wasn’t the microphone input but the directory where I was saving my WAV recording so it was not loading it properly once recorder to send to google STT service.

The message did not disappeared but it looks like it’s a bug.
Everything is working properly and in a clean project I can listen what microphone listens when I talk even if the message appears.