Help with mesh

Hello everyone.

I am quite new with RC so forgive me if this is a stupid question. 

I am trying to complete a model a rather large ruin and the point cloud turns out quite nice, see pic below.

My problem starts when i try to create a mesh and I end up with this result. 

I am simply looking for some help to make the mesh turn out more like the point cloud if at all possible.


Hi ,

it DID turn out like the pointcloud!  :slight_smile:

You are probably referring to all the superfluous triangles. They are necessary because RC needs to create closed meshes and where there are no points, RC has to make the geometry up or just close the gaps with on a best guess basis. This is why there is also a part of the mesh along the surface of the reconstruction region.

…and there are no stupid questions - simply the risk of nobody answering…  :wink:

Ah i see, thank you!