Help with jump blueprints

my problem is this

I have a character and (anim montage)
but when I play the game, I press the character to jump. The character jumps, pauses in the air for seconds before landing and bounces back and jumps back and forth again!

Normally he has to jump, land and continue his course

I have put these blueprints but I am stuck
What do you think;


I don’t know what your jump montage looks like, but it looks like you’re playing the same jump montage when you land.
Are you sure you have the right montage selected for the Event On Landed? If you don’t have a landing animation you want to play, then just remove the play anim montage when you land.

Hope this was helpful for you.

when I remove the anim montage in the land, the character makes the jump
but before landing he remains stationary above the ground, without moving.

Alright, is there a video you could share of what you mean?

When I press to jump

Are you using animation bp? If so and since you’re using montage to play the jump animation, how are managing the jump state in the animation bp (both in the event graph and in the animgraph)?

Yeah this should be related to how your animation BP is set up, assuming you’re using one :smiley:

Screen capture - f3fb31784f41d2c3a47e9ca9190d6865 - Gyazo or Screen capture - 5c05bd063d7e01a23a30d32158bffbe4 - Gyazo
The result is the same

What else can I do ;

I’d suggest looking at the Third Person Character BP template in unreal and look at the animation BP and instead of using a montage for the jump, instead try implement the animation state instead.

Can you show us the jump montage?

My jump montage

Ok, I think the problem is that the *loop *and the *land *sections are too close from one another. Separate them a little more and also make sure that you’re still using the “Event On Landed” to play the *land *section.


I parted as you told me

I put the event on landed

The result is the same again:(

The same? You mean, it keeps jumping over and over? Try increasing the gap between the 2 sections. Try increasing it by a lot.

Does the jump animation have root motion enabled? Does the capsule of the character follows the character when jumping or does it stays behind? That’s probably the cause of the bounce back issue.

I’ve done it.
It does the same thing again

The jump shouldn’t be looping. I’m unable to replicate your problem. I’m out of ideas.

I did root motion enabled, but now the character drops

Is the red line correct?