I’m currently trying to put together an inventory system that is inspired by old-school survival horror games (think Resident Evil 1996). However, the task is proving quite daunting. I’m not entirely sure where to began (specifically, what to study within UE) and I wonder if anyone might have any ideas on where I could start. Tutorials, wiki-pages, concepts, anything.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
There are Tons of yt Videos and even in the Epic Wiki you find a step by step Guide. Also have a Look at the Marketplace im pretty sure There is at least one free plugin
Thank you for the passive-aggressive response. lol
I’ve already searched the internet, and what I found was either out-of-date or in the wrong direction for what I’d like to do. I’m asking, more specifically, about concepts I can look into. ie: UMG’s, widgets, etc. I’d like to know what other concepts, processes, and approaches one might recommend for UE4 that I can look into.
lol yes thats me, sorry
it was Just I Hit Google and Hit Tons of Response and the First few links we’re all really good. With a Concept I can’t Help you, with a more specific question maybe. I would say all you need is UMG Widgets for the UI and a BP component attached to your playercontroller for the code, nothing fancy, As Long as you don’t want it in vr. Have you looked at the Marketplace? I think in September free collection or some permanent free I’ve Seen a few Plugins or Demo Projects which integrate an inventory or at least a POC of it. If you can give a little Bit information what it should Look Like in the end, Soul maybe find some brainstorm ideas Here, but I guess for a discussion the Forum would be the better place. Here is more: question->answer. Cheers
It’s quite okay. lol
I had completely forgotten to check the Marketplace (I always overlook the obvious lol), so your recommendations proved quite useful. Also, this (" I would say all you need is UMG Widgets for the UI and a BP component attached to your playercontroller for the code") is what I needed to hear. I think it was a lack of confidence in my approach.
Thank you for your assistance. If I run into trouble with a more specific situation, I’ll know where to go.