Help with Interface, and getting value from 2 different BP

Hi, first time asking a question here.
How do I get a float value from screenshot 2 BP to screenshot 1 BP so I can set the variable to print?

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I think you made the event by hand, maybe?

Try using the pre-defined one from the interface tab

I’m not too sure what you’re trying to say.
I figured out how to do it in opposite way, but I’m not sure how to get the value from the interface event towards the reference. That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Thank you!

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Double click that line, and it makes the correct type of event for you…

Yeah I’m not sure what you are talking about.
If I double click it, it goes to the interface function.
I know the nodes I have up there are wrong.

I want to know if you can get a float value of 10 on blueprint B.
and return that value to blueprint A.

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You defined more than one call with similar names.

Anyway, it’s a simple idea, here’s a short vid

Thank you, also saw some of your other posts about the blueprint communication, I think that was what I was going for. Thanks again!

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I figured it out on my own, I didn’t know you always had to define a target class for interfaces to work.

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Yes, you have to say who ( what ) you want to send the message to.

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