Help with Instance Static Mesh

Just looking into Instanced Static Meshes and have a use case question.

  • Have a set of tools. Each is its own blueprint for interaction etc.
  • Have a bunch of nuts that I want to create as a single InstancedStaticMesh.
  • Need these nuts to be divided up among the above tools, preferably editable in the viewport of each tool.

From my research so far I cant see an easy way to do this.

Thanks for any help you can provide in advance :slight_smile:

Editable in what way? Transforms / some material data or more advanced edits? Are you going to remove nuts or are we just adding them.

Even if you got this working, it would be a real pain the tushie to manage. I’d only got for ISMs if you have thousands of nuts and bolts…

This is for a VR headset with the client looking for best possible visuals. So its a case of shaving where we can to get the most of the thing

Transforms. Most of the objects the nuts will be on will be static in the scene. So an Idea a had was to:

  • Have one blueprint with all the ISM nuts on it.
  • Have the array of ISM public.
  • Have the other tool blueprints reference this and use them to assign to sockets. In the construction script assign the socket transforms to the ISM whenever the object is moved at edit time.

Thats one idea… not sure if this the best way though.

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