Hello, I am a noob at using unreal engine so this might be really simple. But I could not find anything helpful while serching the internet and trying to get this working (for litterally the past 5 hours ffs).
Yesterday I made a wall in cinema 4d. But I was not able to import the textures to unreal engine. It just creates 13 different white materials. If I uncheck import materials it imports the textures but not the normals, and I can drag and drop the textures to the different parts of the wall but the textures get streched. Why can’t I just export the fbx file, import it and drag it into the scene? I can open the fbx file in Cinema 4d and the textures work.
No need to search the whole web, you’d just need to search this forum with the keyword “cinema 4d”.
There have been many threads in the past that are related to the C4D to UE4 topic.
A short resume:
Use fbx 6.1 2010 (R16 and R17) or Cactus Dans fbx exporter since they are most compatible with UE4.
Make sure to flag the checkboxes related to material/texture export in the export dialog and also in the import window of UE4.
The rest depends on a good mesh setup.
Since you said you have thirteen different materials on the mesh, i assume your setup is far from beeing “gameready”.
At this point i’d need some more information, either screenshots of the mesh in C4D including object manager hierarchy or the file itself.
Otherwise it would be guessing into the blue.
Just wanted to add, a typical asset has 1 material for a mesh, each extra material is another draw call, and if you reuse an asset a lot, it’s a lot of extra draw calls you could be avoiding.
But you will want multiple materials if there’s going to get an expensive shader on part of your model, so a character may have an eye material, cloth material, skin material, and hair material, so that’s 4.
Same thing with cars, a window material, tire material, interior material, car paint, etc. But for a building, you are basically going to want just the base material and a window material on any asset with windows, the rest of the building assets really should be one material. For most props, 1 material. Even weapons are usually 1 or maybe 2 materials.
Obviously if you have an asset like a couch that’s used one or two times per scene, having a separate material for the frame and cushions isn’t a big deal, but if you had 3 separate materials on a soda can that you use as litter all over your scene, that’s a really bad idea.