Me and my team, will be working on a new project. But we are unable to decide whether it will be RPG Game or anything like that. We need your suggestions so that we can start our work
I personally like RPG games like Skyrim or The Witcher
Depending on your experience and your team, I personally would recommend you to start with something small like a jump and run game
Why don’t you try a Japanese style role playing game, Where your guided through a dramatically scripted linear story line. That would cut the work right down compared to an open world and means you can introduce surprises just like in an amusement park horror ride.
What kind of games do you like playing?
This has to be YOUR game, you can’t design and build someone else’s idea because you just won’t have the passion for it to see you through to the end. Take a genre or game you like, analyse what it is you like about it and build something around that.