Help with function detecting >125 degrees successfully but outputting incorrect response.

I am creating a function to detect when the joystick has been flicked over 125 degrees and output the result as a bool. I have a function before this one that detects the joystick speed and what qualifies as a “flick”. The function shown below is used afterwards to determine if a flick extends greater than or equal to 125 degrees. It does this by subtracting the angle of input this tick vs the angle of input last tick. This function is called in the Enhanced Input Triggered exec branch.

My problem is as follows:
The function only properly detects a flick over 125 degrees some of the time. I am using the formula ABS(currentAngle - previousAngle) then if the result is over 180 degrees, I subtract 360 and then send through another ABS. In all my test calculations, I always get the proper result with this formula.

My print nodes however are outputting results that do not follow the formula. What am I missing/doing wrong here? Is there a simpler way to create this function that I overlooked?

It seems the screenshot compressed quite a lot when uploading, heres a really zoomed in view of the central and important parts.