Hello, me and a team of developers are using UE4 to make an upcoming fighting game. We have most things on lock, but of course, in any game you develop there will be hiccups. So I wanted to list a few things we needed to solve
-Paper2D, Side Scroller Template or neither? This game will have 3D characters on a 2D plane, can we do that with paper 2D.
-Collision Checks and HitBoxes, how can we setup hitboxes or collision. When we are motion capturing should we just record the damage and the motion at the same time, or record them seperatley, or just a physics system
-Player Input, how can we have say for instance: X (PS Controller) is punch when the opponent is standing, but when the opp. is grounded play a different attack since the person is on ground.
-2 Player, how can we make a local co-op system so that 2 people can play on ONE screen, not split screen, but one screen.
-Multiplayer (online) How can we set that up?
It may just be 5 bulletpoints, but very important for this game to be a success.
Paper2D seems meant more for 2D characters in 2D worlds. It’s a lot of sprite-based tools. Side scroller template might be a good starting point for you. You’ll probably want to strip down the example at some point and implement your own camera system, which isn’t as bad as it sounds!
You might learn something from studying the Street Fighter IV hit boxes, in fact if you read about the making of that game they talk about how they initially tried using 3D collision detection and it just didn’t feel good, so they went back to 2D. You could easily setup this type of 2d hitbox system in UE4 by adding box components to a blueprint.
You’ll probably assign X to punch and you’ll setup your game input to say X = MyPunchFunction. Then in your MyPunchFunction you will do all your checks: if(standing) else if(!InAir) etc.
hyperdr1ve, I want to thank you soo much for clearing a path on a bumpy road, we can now kickstart this into action and work faster, thank you so much. Also, maybe it’s just me, but I can’t find a tutorial on the box components in blueprint.