Help with direction on a mod for Wyverns

Hey all! My friends and I play on a home server where we use an upgrade station from a mod to upgrade saddles for our dinos to have more armor, we usually grind out close to the max of 350 armor. We use Additional Creatures as well, and even dinos that don’t have saddles usually have an implant to go in the saddle slot that can be upgraded and provides armor. We were really disappointed when we got to Wyverns and they don’t even have a saddle slot, and I’ve looked around and no one seems to have done a mod to let you give armor stat to Wyverns.

So I’ve downloaded the Dev Kit and have started watching tutorial videos to learn it, slow going though my PC apparently is not optimal for it, and it takes at least a half hour to do anything, but I’m working through it.

I was hoping I could get some suggestions, or maybe some sample mod files to import to help me get going? Ideally I think the thing to do would be a mod that gives Wyverns a saddle slot, then I think we already have a generic implant from a mod that would probably go there to give them armor. But if that isn’t a good idea, I was also thinking maybe just to make a Wyvern skin that doesn’t change their appearance, but gives them like 350 armor? I saw a Wyvern costume mod that adds several skins, and they add 10 armor so it seems feasible.

Anyone have a suggestion on the best direction to go with this? Or better yet some mod files I could import to the dev kit to get me started on one of those options? Any help appriciated, thanks!