So, i know there’s a million and one things to do when developing a game my issue is what to really start working on first? In my demo im trying to get out, i already have the 9 characters i need for it and i’ve made sure that they have a health bar, animations, and take/do damage but is that all i need to check for?
In the vid below, it shows that when the playable character walks a certain distance, a monster spawn will pop up in the characters radius
Note: Due to the video upload limit, i cant post longer than 5 seconds on a video
Update: Here’s a youtube link of what i have for the enemy for now
Personally I would add some form of knock-back to the enemies once they are hit (even just a slight push away from the character) This would also not allow then to easily surround the player character and block them as well as giving a larger visual queue to them taking damage.
Perhaps a add slight damage flash overlay when they are hit? This could also let the player know if the attacks are even effective (in case you have heavily armoured eniemies that need diferent tactics in later stages of the game)
Before you go to sleep at night - live in your game world, explore, do things, imagine things you would like to be able to do in your world and go on adventures in there - you’ll soon find you build a really detailed picture of everything you’ll want in there and then just choose small bits at a time to develop.
Core mechanics always first. Environment, level design, character art/design later. As a general advice:
it’s important to develop the core mechanics and make sure all associated systems work well together, flawlessly, and represent your intended gameplay loop. In your case, locomotion, combat, damage, and AI. Avoid “feature creep”, meaning adding too many features and too soon.
Environment design can be done using the “sandbox” approach, a small level containing the main actors, systems and interaction components, such as trigger boxes, AI spawners, etc. This level should resemble the typical level your players will have.
Try to make a level block out, so it will be independent of your game’s art style. Keep in mind the demo level must guide the player to the intended gameplay loop. That said, your level should help players to understand what needs to be done and where to go.
User interface later, after securing most of your systems are working correctly.
Try lyra plugin and lyra demo. I was really septic about it, but it has most subsystems implemented and ready to use. It is great base as long as you are making FPS or TPS game.