Help with custom movement blueprint

Hi, I am trying to achieve some sort of smooth custom movement.

To explain it simple:

  1. What I want to achieve is some sort of movement like the editor has. You can freely move around the world

  2. No i don’t want to use the build in movement/character system

  3. It has to use the build in input reader, so like the MoveForward and MoveRight

How does one archive this? I have been trying for DAYS. I have got it to work, but not like the editor. I have tried lerp and set the position, but things like moving up and right doesn’t respect any ongoing movement. With other words, it sets the position and i want to have it “ADD” to the position

I know you can add relative location or set it, but i can’t get it to work with smoothness/lerp.

Any help is much appreciated,

  1. It’s the default Pawn, you can override it and have additional functionality on top.

  2. Contradicts point #1

  3. Move Forward, etc is not a part of the engine. Some templates have premade custom input. You generally add it yourself and name it however you want.

No need to lerp anything (you can, ofc). It’s forward vector for moving forward and back, and right vector for strafing. This is rotation independent.

The pawn is given a floating movement component that will process input. It handles basic acceleration, turning and some other basic stuff.

If you like the default pawn, use the default pawn + your own stuff.

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