Help with creating an enemy for a top down 2d game in Unreal 5.3

Hello there,

I am new to Unreal and am trying to learn to create a top-down 2d game in Unreal 5.3. I have been trying to wrack my brain round programming an enemy so it will patrol around a certain area and then will chase after the player when they approach in a certain radius and when the player runs away, to return back to patrolling.

My question is if there is any tutorials or help that you can give me in making something like this using blueprints. I have tried to use the GetRandomReachablePointInRadius method, however, this kept causing the enemy sprite to teleport to different locations in the specified radius and would also not display the sprite in the proper direction (They would just stay in one direction and would appear upside down when heading up).

I have also tried this method, but so far have still not had much luck.

Thank you for your time.