So I have a racing gamemode and I would like to have a meter at the bottom that has an icon of each racer, as they go along the level I’d like to show how far along they are on the meter but I have no idea where to start.
i would think using a spline would be a relatively simple way to go about this. basically you would create a spline then for each character you would get a location on the spline closest to the character. you could then use that information to find the percentage of a lap completed. this could then be used in something like a slider. you will find a example of this below. the first picture shows the binding i used to control the sliders value. this binding takes in a spline and a actor and based on the actors location the find input key node will give you a value based on spline points, for example if you have 3 points it will give you a 0-3 number. you then divide this by spline points -1 and you get a percentage 0-1 value. the second picture just shows how i created a widget for each character (racer) and set the values in the widgets as needed. this can of course be done in a much better manner but it will depend on how you have your game setup, meaning how you get your list of players.
course this is just one method and its the first thing that came to mind. oh and i got some of the info to get this working via the forum post [here][1].
Thank you! I didn’t even think about using splines in this situation it makes perfect sense, before I compared the distance of the character to a target point in the level but that only worked moving away from it.