hey guys i need your help to fix the widget I created for my actor.
bcz right now I’ve got couple of problems, one is that the widget needs to face the player where ever he goes while the player is overlapping with the box that I created in actor and the second one is scaling the widget to an appropriate size I tried to scale it down with draw size but it just made it look like cra*p so I wanna scale it down without losing quality and the third problem is that the widget is spawned at begin play while I just want it to show up when the player is close to the bed
when set to screen it does rotate to camera and looks fine, but there is one more problem is that the text looks out of its place cuz only half of it is visible how do i scale it down should i do it from actor or from widget? and i dont know how to do it from widget
uhh, one more question in the panel it says the widget is ticked every frame even if it’s hidden isn’t that gonna hurt performance? especially since I’m gonna have so many of these beds around my level? should I disable tick mode when overlap ends?