Transform is in the parent class blueprint. Does that mean that I can’t do the second part in the lvl blueprint? Or do I need to set up an interface? Ok, I am pretty nubish here, so I’m gonna watch this lesson on Blueprint Communication and come back later.
Thanks!I am using the respawn mechanic from this tutorial
successfully (see respawn 2dsidescrollergamemode blueprint.png attached) but I wanted to be able to update respawn location via level blueprint (see respawn lvl_00 blueprint.png attached) so that when the character (BP_Dude) collides with trigger box (Checkpoint_1 highlighted Purple) it will update the spawn transform location (where character respawns, highlighted yellow) to the location of the empty actor (Checkpoint_1_Respawn, highlighted green). I get the following error:
Error This Blueprint (self) is not a 2DSideScrollerGameMode_C, therefore ‘Target’ must have a connection. Error Variable node Set uses and invalid target. It may depend on a node that is not connected to the excecution, and got purged.
I tried entering “Get player character” return variable, get BP_dude and “Cast to BP_dude” outputs as the target nodes but none would connect to target input for spawn transform location. Is this not the proper way to change the input for “Spawn Transform Location?”
I really want to try to do it this way to simplify what I need to add to level blueprints for checkpoints.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Any ideas? thanks guys.
Well, think again. Where do you save your Transform?
*(Hint: Your error tells you which class you need)
I found a solution. I didn’t have to make any changes to the 2dsidescrollergamemode blueprint and instead creating a blueprint for a trigger box which I named checkpoint. I have attached it here for anyone that it would benefit. Not tooting my own horn, but I think it’s pretty nice. I tested to see if passing through a second or third checkpoint and then dying would respawn to first checkpoint. It respawns to last checkpoint accurately. However if you return to a prior checkpoint it will respawn you to that one.