Hello guys.
WOW, after many days and headaches, and with help of one friend of mine from outside this forum, finally I was able to solve the problem with the setting the initial camera rotation to match with the matinee camera initial rotation.
I just needed to set the player controller rotation the same as the player pawn rotation before playing the camera animation.
This is my knife kill script (this is an enemy pawn script):
//all the animation will be played inside the TakeDamage Event
event TakeDamage(int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser)
local int OldHealth;
//this variables will be used to access player controller and play the camera animation on the player controller
local Playercontroller localplayer;
//this statement will check if the enemy was attacked by the knife weapon
if (DamageType == class’UTDmgType_Knife’)
//this will freeze the enemy pawn
if(vector(UTPawn(EventInstigator.Pawn).Rotation) dot vector(Rotation) >= 0) // i.e., they’re facing the same direction
// Do back attack animation///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', localPlayer)
//this will freeze the player movement and other cool effects like slo-mo and invencibility.
//(bool bInCinematicMode, bool bHidePlayer, bool bAffectsHUD, bool bAffectsMovement, bool bAffectsTurning, bool bAffectsButtons)
UTPlayerController(localplayer).SetCinematicMode (true, false, false, true, false, true);
//this is the function to play the camera animation and blood splat effect
//this is a timer that will call for the function to return player movement back to normal
//it has the duration of the animation
//this will play the mesh ripp appart sound
//PlaySound(SoundCue’WP_GOW.Sounds.knifeDeath_Cue’, false, true, true, vect(0,0,0), false);
//this statement will play the knife kill animation back on the player
UTPawn(EventInstigator.Pawn).FullBodyAnimSlot.PlayCustomAnim(‘knife_kill_1_player’, 1.0, 0.25, 0.25, false, false);
//this statement will play the knife kill animation back on the enemy pawn
FullBodyAnimSlot.PlayCustomAnim(‘knife_kill_1_enemy’, 1.0, 0.25, 0.25, true, false);
//this is a timer that will call for the function deathsequence and come back to normal
//it has the duration of the animation
// Do back attack animation///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
else // i.e., they're facing each other
// Do front attack animation///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Do front attack animation///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//this is the code for take damage itself
OldHealth = Health;
AccumulateDamage += Damage;
Super.TakeDamage(Damage, EventInstigator, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType, HitInfo, DamageCauser);
AccumulateDamage = AccumulateDamage + OldHealth - Health - Damage;