It’s not overtly complicated, I’ve never tweaked with resources but I just did it with Wood to test.
Make sure you have all your necessary files in your mod folder. I’m just going to use wood as the example here.
**PrimalItemResource_Wood_*****YourModNameHere *(or another unique identifier - will save you at some point in your modding life to be sure)
Edit what you want to here, like weight and stack size. Compile it, you can save now or save everything later, compiling just solidifies changes enough that the Editor can run them, and when working in the Graphs I’ve found compiling needs to be done a lot - but you don’t really need that here.
You’ll need to change the Game Mode Override in PrimalGameData.
**PrimalGameData_BP_*****YourModNameHere ***(it’s recommended to do this to each file you copy and modify, that way you can easily search for and know which ones are your modified ones)
Open it and go to “Primary Resources” and expand the list. Find wood on the list, and make sure that your custom PrimalItemResource is selected in the content browser, then click the little arrow next to the field in the PrimalGameData and it will replace the asset to load in-game with the one you have selected. Or you can just click the drop down, it will load all assets that can be used, then just search for wood and you should see yours there then select it. Compile. Don’t forget, you also set the in-game name of your mod and it’s description in this file.
YourModNameHere***(Level) - or you can leave it as the GenericMod if you wish.
Open the level, on the right you(may or may not) have the “World Settings” tab, if it’s not there, hit settings which should be top center-ish, then World Settings. In the new tab at the right, scroll down and replace the “PrimalGameData Override” with your new/custom one. Save.
Now, if my brain hasn’t screwed me over with typing this out, you should be able to witness the changes in-game by loading the SmallIsland map… “File > Open Level > SmallIslandSubMaps > TheSmallIsland(Level)”. Once the map has loaded, it will take a couple of minutes to load in textures, compile some shaders and what have you, select your PrimalGameData from your mod folder in the content browser, go to the World Settings panel again at the right, click the little arrow and your mod should be loaded when you hit “Play” at the top.
Once you’re playing in the editor, if you’re in the SmallIsland map, go and cut down a tree, and check the stack size on the wood you’ve collected, if it’s what you set it to, the mod is working. From there, if you want others to use it, or even if you want to use it yourself in a client, hit the Steam Upload button, select your mod from the left in the new window, enter the name of the **Level **file in your mod in the Mod Maps field(if you do not do this, the mod will **not **work in a client), then click Cook Mod.
It will take a minute or two, it may take longer, it depends on a couple of factors. The mod should cook successfully, and will tell you if so. Disregard the seven-odd thousand warnings that will show up, those basically show up because those are all the assets from the game that aren’t being included in the mod, it just likes to let you know they’re all missing. As long as there were no errors, you should be good.
From there, uploading is only possible if you populate every field for the upload section not including change notes. Pick a title that will appear in the workshop, choose an icon from somewhere, descriptions have caused issues for me and some others so I would just put whatever in(you can edit it on the workshop page on Steam later if you wish to), then choose a visibility setting. If the mod is just for yourself/friends or you’re testing in a client, choose friends(I’ve heard of problems with hidden and mods not downloading), otherwise public. From there, you’ll need to enter your steam login details. A small CMD/DOS box will popup, pay attention to this and note any errors, the DevKit will not report any errors from uploading, and the CMD box disappears a second or two after errors appear.
If it doesn’t error on you, it will go through it’s little checklist and the mod is uploaded to the workshop. Once that is done, there should be a “View Item on Steam Workshop” hyperlinked text line next to “Mod Directory” in the cook/upload screen.
Let us know how you go, hopefully what I’ve shared here will help you. If not, I’m sure others can enter their input. I’ve only just started modding myself, and I’m currently tackling diagonal walls and making them scale upon snapping… not easy, haha.