help with animation

Hi guys…
I have a character.fbx and i ve imported in maya(without the texture i don’t know why)
Now what i have to do to create animation?
i have to exsport it how fbx?
What i have to do then for import in unreal engine and create my animation?(that of the main character?)
Thanks ;D

  1. rigg your character
  2. create the animations
  3. import it into the UE4

Either you create it by your own (you can find many tutorials about that on youtube) or you use the A.R.T tool v=KH76mXiRVl0 https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Content/Tools/MayaRiggingTool/index.html :slight_smile:

i ve created it by mixamo and now? what i have to do?

Now learn how to use the animation bp/montages/character bp -> this tutorial series will teach you everything: :slight_smile:

Thanks man :smiley: