Hi guys…
I have a character.fbx and i ve imported in maya(without the texture i don’t know why)
Now what i have to do to create animation?
i have to exsport it how fbx?
What i have to do then for import in unreal engine and create my animation?(that of the main character?)
Thanks ;D
- rigg your character
- create the animations
- import it into the UE4
Either you create it by your own (you can find many tutorials about that on youtube) or you use the A.R.T tool v=KH76mXiRVl0 https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Content/Tools/MayaRiggingTool/index.html
i ve created it by mixamo and now? what i have to do?
Now learn how to use the animation bp/montages/character bp -> this tutorial series will teach you everything:
Thanks man