Hi all,
I am a new user and get a bit of issue with the animation.
I download the 3D model from here:
When I import the 3D model to Unreal, I used the FBX version. I see that the material does not match. The material come with the file (FBX from https://renderpeople.com) is in a kind of ‘collection’ with all the clothes and shoes in the same file.
can I ask how to use this texture? i do not know the name the method to google
I see other guys use the same to even put texture in a box to make it like house. I am learning with the basic material video from Unreal but I do not see it.
An other issue I have, i tried the Animation Retargeting to use the given animation in unreal
here is the tutorial: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Animation/RetargetingDifferentSkeletons/
however, I end up with broken arms even i tried a lot to match the base pose. (I only use eyes to match them).
I cound not upload picture to the forum, so i have them upload
Try to match the pose
Match the bone
And the result
Thank you so much