Help with Animation Retargeting - broken hand

Hi all,
I am a new user and get a bit of issue with the animation.

I download the 3D model from here:

When I import the 3D model to Unreal, I used the FBX version. I see that the material does not match. The material come with the file (FBX from is in a kind of ‘collection’ with all the clothes and shoes in the same file.
can I ask how to use this texture? i do not know the name the method to google :frowning:

I see other guys use the same to even put texture in a box to make it like house. I am learning with the basic material video from Unreal but I do not see it.

An other issue I have, i tried the Animation Retargeting to use the given animation in unreal
here is the tutorial:

however, I end up with broken arms even i tried a lot to match the base pose. (I only use eyes to match them).
I cound not upload picture to the forum, so i have them upload

Try to match the pose

Match the bone

And the result

Thank you so much

Hi… please help :frowning:

Have you retargeted the fingers? Click on “show advance” (we can see the button on the second screenshot you posted). Also, go on the skeleton tree tab and at the bottom there’s a little eye icon with “all bones, active sockets”, make sure that everything is set to sceleton except the root bone which must be set to animation and the pelvis to animation scaled.