Help with animating the steering mechanism of a four-wheeler

Hello all,

I’m having issues trying to animate what I’m calling the wheel mounts on the two front-wheels of a four-wheeler which enable the two front-wheels to steer on their steering axis, the z-axis (up-down). The wheel mounts are the medium connecting the two front suspension arms to the two front-wheels.

Some More Detailed Images on My Imgur

[Rigging a 4-Wheeler in Unreal Engine 5 - Album on Imgur](https://Imgur Album)

Video of the Trouble Available On My Google Drive

[UE_WheelMountTrouble.mp4 - Google Drive](https://Google Drive Video)

*Please ask for any more details and I will happily provide.

Attached is the working solution I arrived at with the help of Adriel from Unreal Source Discord.

The main problem I had was I did not know what triggered Euler lock. I knew it existed but I didn’t know what triggered it. The second main problem I had was that I surprisingly (because I thought I did know this) didn’t know you could create a quaternion rotation from two vectors. So that’s what Adriel from Unreal Source advised me to do.

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